pointed, but nonsensical.
nostalgic for puzzles of brain-teasers,
but ripe with the knowledge of the answer-key in the back of the book,
that mind
can't help but want to
cheat for the ease, cuz homework is no fun.
as easy as an idea of playtime instead
and as difficult to make it =
not entirely useless in its
wing-d 3ss3nc3.
beautiful for the sake of
thinking that beauty can be easy to create
access and address as
such. by-the-by,
meaningful symbols stripped of their anchors- those perforated last pages,
set and refilled with answers
don't know what they're doing without moving
in each and every direction.
at once free
and a tied-up trailing dingy,
casting side-long glances
in2 Mrs.' grade-book.
hoping for the teacher's red marker
of validity,
conforming comfort to fit in the top ranks of
plus a little arrow, cross
extra-credit brings you up
to 1hundred and 3
top of your soule class.
Yes you can succeed,
little wingding.
written by Alexandra C. Moga