
by trulymadlydeeply On Monday, September 29, 2008 11 comments
The Perspective Chair

molecular relations

by trulymadlydeeply On Saturday, September 27, 2008 0 comments
Inspired by the invisible energy running through our world (that of atoms, quarks, molecules, cells, etc.) I got to thinking...
And last night, after debating the differences (perceived and refuted) between math and art and science the seed continued to sprout.
While trying to hash out the web of relations (people-to-people relations) that human life spins, I came to a visual analogy where molecular structure serves as the frame, the pre-existing, 'invisible' evidence of the relational quality of base to pinnacle (human, incarnate, life and its physical manifestations being the pinnacle. A pinnacle which is not necessarily superior to the base).

Now, I know jack about the subject of molecules et al as a scientist or studied chemist. But that didn't stop me from connecting the image of molecular bonds and structures that I could recall from my 10th grade chemistry notes to a topic, theme, that has been floating around for some time.
What is it about childhood friends (and family, of course) that ensures a sort-of timeless confidence in ourselves, the 'true you', and the ability of that trueness to shine forth unimpeded within that relationship? Is it more than just the temporal quality of that relationship that, my best buddy so-and-so who I've known since _____ (I could walk, the playground in 4th grade, summer camp, etc.) knows the real me and I know the real them? It's got to be more than time and innocence that does it, right? What sort of factors provide the bonding agents between people? Because as perfect and timeless as childhood bonds may be, there's still evidence to the fact that you can have those sort of bonds with someone you met only a few years ago, months ago. Or do those people, who you so easily connect to, spark a recognition of your own being in their behavior, silhouette, essence, that resonates in a timeless manner, that recognizes connection thanks to (a) shared 'atom(s)' that once existed as a singular entity and had been split and dispersed into other beings. Picking up the pieces of yourself, found in others, is that what bonds the bond? And makes life so rich with potential?

311 wrote a great song for this.

Love Song - 311

That home feeling. That love feeling of safety and comfort to let loose with another person within the boundary-less no-uncertain terms that resemble what you relate to most in life. What are those electron bonds that provide for the covalent connection? And how many do we get in life? What does one's personal molecularelationship bubble structure look like throughout life, with some bonds fading out and others replacing them...
And how do they overlap?
Ever make a 'hook-up' web in high school? Having attended a small-closely knit (ahem sometimes incestuous) high school and college, it was always a hoot to see who's been with who through who.
It's alllmufukinconnected. 6-degrees and all...

Thank you, Wikipedia...

A covalent bond is a form of chemical bonding that is characterized by the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms, or between atoms and other covalent bonds. In short, attraction-to-repulsion stability that forms between atoms when they share electrons is known as covalent bonding.

Covalent bonding includes many kinds of interaction, including σ-bonding, π-bonding, metal-metal bonding, agostic interactions, and three-center two-electron bonds.[1][2] The term covalent bond dates from 1939.[3] The prefix co- means jointly, associated in action, partnered to a lesser degree, etc.; thus a "co-valent bond", essentially, means that the atoms share "valence", such as is discussed in valence bond theory. In the molecule H2, the hydrogen atoms share the two electrons via covalent bonding. Covalency is greatest between atoms of similar electronegativities. Thus, covalent bonding does not necessarily require the two atoms be of the same elements, only that they be of comparable electronegativity. Because covalent bonding entails sharing of electrons, it is necessarily delocalized. Furthermore, in contrast to electrostatic interactions ("ionic bonds") the strength of covalent bond depends on the angular relation between atoms in polyatomic molecules.

A chemical bond is the physical process responsible for the attractive interactions between atoms and molecules, and that which confers stability to diatomic and polyatomic chemical compounds. The explanation of the attractive forces is a complex area that is described by the laws of quantum electrodynamics. In practice, however, chemists usually rely on quantum theory or qualitative descriptions that are less rigorous but more easily explained to describe chemical bonding. In general, strong chemical bonding is associated with the sharing or transfer of electrons between the participating atoms. Molecules, crystals, and diatomic gases—indeed most of the physical environment around us—are held together by chemical bonds, which dictate the structure of matter.

Bonds vary widely in their strength. Generally covalent and ionic bonds are often described as "strong", whereas hydrogen bonds and van der Waals bonds are generally considered to be "weak". Care should be taken because the strongest of the "weak" bonds can be stronger than the weakest of the "strong" bonds.


by trulymadlydeeply On Monday, September 22, 2008 0 comments
Snuggle in for the second edition of Ma Bootlegged Book Club. But don't get too comfy because this one might throw you for a loop.
I think I'll sub-title it,
With a Giant Grain of Salt.

Now, that's not to discredit the writing, content, or author; nor is it intended to detract from the work. This book is, indeed, quite mighty. But I want to emphasize the grain of salt because it seasons the general air of the passages I've chosen to share quite fittingly. In cooking, though, salt is added not as a seasoning (good gracious!, no) but as an element to ENHANCE and bring out the flavor of your ingredients (meats, vegetables, etc.) and other seasonings should your dish include them.

So back to the book...I approached it like I do most things, with an open mind free of the eyebrow-raising associations that may come with words like 'magic' and 'alchemy'. I am still working through this one (and conversely, it is still working through me) but I found myself, in the past few days, quite staunchly wading through the content and felt the need to pause, share, ponder.
It's kinda heavy (in its totality). And her sentences can be so condensed and important at times that I feel the need to take a nap because, quite frankly, wtf? So let me just throw you into the middle of it now.



All Roads Lead To Rome
(cont.) cutting, and radiant. It loves bravely, shrewdly, mightily, and magically. It has become the philosopher's stone.

The preceding chapter Living Backward closes with this...

What were to happen if these kinds of books were included in the curriculum of high school students? Or even college students?

There's so much more to share but my bootlegging can only go so far. I think anyone who were to undertake the effort of reading this book (growing by leaps and bounds) would be much rewarded.


by trulymadlydeeply On Thursday, September 18, 2008 0 comments
Got caught up in a B&N last night and it seems that books are my sort-of polar opposite.
I manage to, be it in the library or bookstore, amidst piles and piles and stacks and rows of shelves, wander over to that shelf, pick up the exact book that addresses the exact theme(s) with which I'm preoccupied at that given time. Not just once. Not just twice. No, not just thrice. Mais toujours! Polar opposite, then?
Am I judging a book by its cover? Do the frames inherently necessitate the image that will be projected? And then encompassed, then reflected?
It would only follow, though, that as one creates more and more 'themes' or 'folders' in the hard-drive their corresponding examples in the world then 'surface', having a place from which recognition may stem, filing may follow.
A good exercise: never stop creating and updating 'folders'. It is a process that is entirely beneficial for many reasons known and yet unknown. Best of all, it makes you feel ALIVE!!!
Thinking about how many aspects there can be to one life, how many layers, people places things customs----infinity^ever expanded. That's the real meat.

"A magnet (from Greek μαγνήτης λίθος, "Magnesian stone") is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible and causes the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on nearby magnetic materials, or attracts or repels other magnets.

A "hard" or "permanent" magnet is one that stays magnetized, such as a magnet used to hold notes on a refrigerator door. Permanent magnets occur naturally in some rocks, particularly lodestone, but are now more commonly manufactured. A "soft" or "impermanent" magnet is one that loses its memory of previous magnetizations. "Soft" magnetic materials are often used in electromagnets to enhance (often hundreds or thousands of times) the magnetic field of a wire that carries an electric current and is wrapped around the magnet; the field of the "soft" magnet increases with the current.

Two measures of a material's magnetic properties are its magnetic moment and its magnetization. A material without a permanent magnetic moment can, in the presence of magnetic fields, be attracted (paramagnetic), or repelled (diamagnetic). Liquid oxygen is paramagnetic; graphite is diamagnetic. Paramagnets tend to intensify the magnetic field in their vicinity, whereas diamagnets tend to weaken it. "Soft" magnets, which are strongly attracted to magnetic fields, can be thought of as strongly paramagnetic; superconductors, which are strongly repelled by magnetic fields, can be thought of as strongly diamagnetic."

(Systems of systems-esque)
Do my book-magnet instances qualify as paramagnetic, then? Liquid oxygen. Hmmm. Quicksilver's lighter, looser, little sister?

So anywho, Coelho published a new one. Brida. I can only hope and aspire to so artfully weave. I really wonder about authors such as he. What sort of influences did he grow up with? Where does his brilliance come from? The sort of simple brilliance that doesn't take more than 200 or so pages and leaves seemingly nondescript sentences tucked away in plain sight that later smack you in the face with layers of meaning and relevance. Again. And again. A sort of nugget-like weaving that is detachable from the original context yet makes just as much sense when it resurfaces over there. The smack stings with perfection.

"Anticipate the past. Remember the future."
(from a disparate source)
Let that one sink in.

From Brida...
"An anonymous text from the Tradition says that, in life, each person can take one of two attitudes: to build or to plant. The builders might take years over their tasks, but one day, they finish what they're doing. Then they find they're hemmed in by their own walls. Life loses its meaning when the building stops.
Then there are those who plant. They endure storms and all the many vicissitudes of the seasons, and they rarely rest. But, unlike a building, a garden never stops growing. And while it requires the gardener's constant attention, it also allows life for the gardener to be a great adventure.
Gardeners always recognize one another, because they know that in the history of each plant lies the growth of the whole World."


"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
- Marcel Proust

like the Butter to my bread in life....

Associations: The Electric Feel of Earthly Delights

by trulymadlydeeply On Friday, September 12, 2008 7 comments
It only took 504 years, but it happened. Hieronymus Bosch may, finally, rest in peace. His triptych masterpiece:

The Garden of Earthly Delights

now comes complete with an audio soundtrack...

As a melodic and visual explosion of light, color, sound, musicality and, above all, important lessons from the Master of all Management, my appreciation and love for the Netherlandish style has been rejuvenated thanks to this modern-day incarnation of the busy biblical landscape that is The Garden of Earthly Delights.

It's Electric!

Golden Gun

by trulymadlydeeply On Tuesday, September 09, 2008 0 comments
This is a mental experiment of sorts:

Wipe the slate clean. Totally.
Efface your possessions, your agendas, obligations, your job, your hobbies, what society deems as important, what the news feels is 'newsworthy', politics, the supreme un-equalizer: money. Picture 'your life' and all that surrounds it as a chalk board on your lap with those little plastic magnet letters, shapes, symbols arranged accordingly.
Now sweep your hand across it and scatter it all. Break it down.
Or, if this helps, imagine you are about to retire.

What is really left? What is necessary, important? What will/has actually sustained you??
We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Seems that dreaming/restoration is important. Waking life, bridging the dichotom-ic chasm-like quality between thought and action spins that web, the plastic magnets. So does family, friends, human connection.
But what are our true 'obligations'? To ourselves, to each other? It has been said: to love and serve, seems simple enough...Yet within that, we humans just can't sit still. We've constructed this world from nothingggg. Well, thought is something (the source of everything, essentially), but can't be held, touched, so in that way, it's nothing. What's with the need, the incessant NEED to create objects, empires, dynasties? To validate existence with something tangible, when we know (hopefully) that what is really important is not at all tangible?
Maybe we can't have one without the other?

We are here today because of a tiny little drive to life (creation) that has dually expanded and compounded upon itself, becoming denser and denser and bigger and 'better' as the generations progress...(Sidenote: it really is a tricky thing to assign value in this sort of place, hence the ' ') Passing on the detritus of sorts of physical constructions, economies of scale, culture, language- all the things, visible and invisible, complete and incomplete, that make human life as we know it today so incredibly complex and unique. It's kind of ironic because the fossil fuel we've been using of late (when did that actually start? Industrial revolution?) to propel our 'progress' is, essentially, compounded materia of eons past. Ahhhhh energy cycles!!!

So yea,
This exercise had me undone. Just a little. Totally emptied the 'purpose' of life (uhhh, scary?).

"Philosophy is a walk on the slippery rocks." Watch yourself. That moss, mixed with dawn's early dew, and some rain now too, it will have you trippin and flippin over your mis-stepped perceptions of depth, magic-eye crossed to pop back a twisted image of what's 'there' mixed with what you've got in 'here'- wait, where? When will the image come un-blurred, for sure, for certain death and taxes are the burden, both created and debated by the hand that dealt the first card, where I'm goin with this, that's hard to say, to see, in this together you me the world we's a team against itself goal keeper of the nets of constructed truth can't let all the balls slip through but perfect your kick, perform a hattrick times three, ooooohhhh then let it beeee ...
--random rhyme break--

I don't really recommend this if you're not in a healthy state of mind, on a psychedelic drug trip, or if you can't break out of the sweat of exercise. That wheel can spin really fast, depending on the angle of the hill you push it down...
The need to break everything down into nothing has been around before. The flip-side: death is there, chillin. But maybe it's not what we think? Death has caught some tough breaks...maybe he's really hearty and happy and sweet, the real fuel to life's fire. After death, no- through death- one is given the chance to come out 'harder better faster stronger'. Like the Mexicans who celebrate death, I can't help but be fascinated and curious as to what that other side contains...so annnnyywayyy. . .
Last late-summer it (the need to break everything down into nothing to get back to something) was launched by a 'manuscript' that, for me, really harmonized all the problems and potential solutions of humanity and life on this planet. I couldn't share it with people beyond a certain limit and being self-contained within the borderless, boundless structures (can you tell I love contradictory opposites when sidled up together? It makes things MAKE SENSE. Yin/Yang?!) of the profound meanings and messages revealed to me was overwhelming to say the least.
Where do you turn, what the hell do you do when you think you have something to help others (the world) but can't find the proper outlet? To start, you better step out of your own way, that's what. Ok ok ok, this is getting a bit sloppy. Changing the world- bahhaha!
Back to the exercise. It requires, first and foremost, a sense of purpose, important to note- NOT something born by imposed expectations exterior to yourself. Then, control. Oh control, you bastion of human will.

Hmm maybe using an example external to myself will help crystallize...
To preface this guy's hard-working brilliance, I must say that the need for humans to exert control over nature (don't fcuk with nature, fool) is what got us here to begin with. Loop, de loop.
"Once you have a mission, you can't go back to having a job." That awesome, quote-worthy sentence was spoken by Shai Agassi, the man who is working on 'an audacious plan to put electric cars on the road'. Ha, better: when asked if he's worried about a competitor stealing his idea, he stares at the reporter like he's an idiot. "The mission is to end oil," he says, "not create a company."

So think about that. The idea of a Mission. Once you've emptied the vessel of your life as you know it, can you manage to come back around and find what's left? The driver of a mission that, instead of adding to the misery of this world, helps clear it; one bigger in its solitude than all the combined bullshit that humanity has created around the essentials of life...That bullshit is comforting though. Maybe it has something to do with natural selection. We can't all have missions. There have to be executers too. Smaller branches growing out of the will of the larger ones, if you will. Everything will work itself out anyway, has for how many centuries??

Brings me now to Abraham Maslow who in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation extracted what marketing and psych students study as the 'Hierarchy of Needs':


"It's not so much where my motivation comes from, but rather how it manages to survive."
- Louise Bourgeois
This woman is 96 years old and has been creating art for much of her time. The Gügg's retrospective on her life and works was humbling and inspiring. Fantastic.

Arch of Hysteria, 1993

"Stemming from her interest in the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of pain and fear, Bourgeois was drawn to the arch of hysteria as theorized and represented by the nineteenth-century neurologist Jean Martin Charcot (1825-1893). While working at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, Charcot sought to represent hysteria by documenting the performances of his female patients. The physical tension of the hysterical arch - an intense muscular contraction, resulting in immobility and paralysis of the limbs - is emblematic of an equally extreme emotional state. Bourgeois makes this highly vulnerable position even more so by suspending her male figure from the ceiling. In choosing to represent him in an attitude traditionally associated with the female, the artist transgresses the social and sexual roles assigned to women, challenging the misconception of hysteria as a female malady."

In yoga, this pose:

"Ustrasana ("camel pose") is a very deep backward bend performed in a kneeling position. As a stretch it opens the whole of the front of the body, including the hip flexors and pectoral muscles. Traditionally it is seen as opening the "heart center". Many people find backbends difficult or challenging, because bending backwards is not an activity with which most are familiar. Practicing Ustrasana can make many beginners new to yoga feel distinctly ill, with lightheadedness or nausea being quite common after-effects. However, this does usually improve with practice. The posture improves core strength, spinal, hip and shoulder flexibility and stamina."

Funny how closely hysteria and the heart center can be related when comparing Bourgeois' sculpture and one of my personal favorite postures. It's all about the context, I guess. But to reverse your view on the world by turning it upside down for a good 30 seconds, twice, effectively helps to re-focus and re-equilibrate. Maybe that's unconsciously what the bodies of those poor hysterical women in 1800 France were trying to do for them.

Louise got it out like this :

...but you gotta be a little off-your-rocker to really create, right?

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Je suis une fille qui sais que
d'aimer trop sauve la vie. Je suis, je serai toujours, entraine d'etre sauvé pendant cette vie. Pourtant, la balance se cherche en tous que je touche. Mais pour l'amour, y aura jamais moins que tous. C'est ça, blank blank fullness


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(1) heart (1) heart center moved through and out (1) heartbreak (1) hello again (1) helpful (1) hes my hero (1) hey krishna (1) High road (1) higher knowledge (1) higher love (1) highlarious (1) hip hop (2) hippy side (1) hmm (1) holograms (1) holy being (1) holy party (1) holy shit this hit me over the head (1) home (1) home again (1) home in the science lab (1) hop (1) hopeless (1) Horoscopes (1) horrible grammar (1) hot chip - boy from school (1) how does it feel? (1) how many things rhyme with ay (1) howto sketch a wider arch of repetition. bend the time bring it back again. like taffy (1) http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif (1) http://www.thetopofmymind.com/2008/12/practical-common-sense.html (1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gLkOfzIYcU (1) human bonds (1) hungry for something higher (2) hyperbole (1) i am a wild party (1) I amThat (1) I free my mind sometimes I hear myself moanin (1) I keep it realer than most I know you're feelin it (1) i love yogis (1) I loves I (1) I may or may not be slightly childish (1) I Want It That Way (1) i want to write more (1) i write this from the depths of my gut (1) i'm a quote lover* from the roots of my head of hairs to the lines on the soles of my feets. (1) i'm so fucked. (1) icelandic volcanic rock jazzed up (1) if 6 was 9 (1) if not now (1) illuminati (1) image melting smoothly into chaos (1) imaginations abound (1) impermanence (1) impermanence and truth (1) impossible is nothing (2) impossible magic (1) improv (2) in and out (1) In friend's bathroom you f**king loser (1) in my heart city of lights (1) incept (1) incomprehensible (1) Incredible India (1) incubus (1) india (2) infinity (1) infinity and beyond (1) inhale (1) inner child (1) inner outer beauty (1) inside and outside (1) inspiration (2) INSPIRATION. http://www.aquariuspapers.com/astrology/2010/02/goethe-on-the-power-of-commitment-to-influence-destiny.html (1) inspired living (4) inspiring commentary (1) integrity (1) intelligence (1) interchangeability (1) interesting (1) internal (1) international (1) interview (1) intuition (1) invest in people not the stock market (1) invisible economics (1) iphone (1) irreplaceability (1) is the groundhog male or female? (1) is the key to everything. on becoming an Alchemist. (1) it's gonna be legen-waitforit-darrrryyyy (1) it's you (1) jahnavi harrison (1) James Blake (1) james vincent mc morrow (1) Japan (1) jayz (1) je t'aime tous (1) jerry saltz (1) john Joseph Powell (1) John Lennon (1) John Peery (1) join us next week when we will we meet the other foot (1) Joseph Campbell (1) Joseph Conrad (1) joy (1) just another Tuesday (1) just do it (2) just right (1) kali yuga (1) kanye west (1) Kate Winslet (1) keep climbing (1) keep flexing the writing muscle (1) Keeps you Back (1) Khalil Gibran (2) Kim Schultz (1) kirtan (1) knowledge (1) krishna (3) krishna consciousness (1) la belle verte (1) La priest (1) ladies listen up (1) landslide (1) LAO TZU KEEPS IT WAY REAL (1) Last night bit of writing (1) lay you down (1) layers (1) le temps et l'amour (1) lead by example (1) leather or feathers (1) let it out (1) let's get really real (1) letter (1) Letters (1) liberation (1) life (6) Life 101 (1) Life lived loved (1) life on the run (1) life purpose (1) light (2) like a river to the sea (1) Like a rolling stone (1) like an animal (1) like fireflies (1) Lila life (1) lisa citore (1) listen to your heart (1) live music (1) long arm of inspiration (2) long read (1) longing (1) longoverduerelease (1) Los Angeles (1) lost (1) LOVE (33) love ain't easy (1) love and all is coming (1) love as love for oneself enhanced by the other thru invisible attractive forces (1) love as ultimate bonding factor (1) love consciousness (1) Love in motion (1) love is sticking it through (1) love is... (1) love life (1) love lockdown (1) love movement music (1) love my ice cream (1) love y'all (2) Love you yahoomail (1) lovin (1) lumina (1) lust (2) Lying in the dark talking through tears (1) lyshco (1) macklemore (1) macro (1) magic (3) magician (1) magnetism (1) mah bootlegged book club (2) Mahabharata (1) maintain (1) making my heart beat faster (1) manifesto (1) Many Topics. Feelings. A-brewing. I'm a little teapot...No brakes. no release. no crash. no contract for life. only flux. only flux. only flux. In is grips (1) marina abramovic (2) marion cotillard (1) maru the japanese wundercat (1) mary oliver (1) matrix (1) Matt Corby (1) may be pms (1) may do it myself i'm so brooklyn (2) mayapur (1) maybe (1) maybe missed meanings (1) MBBC (5) mc yogi (1) meaningful consumption (1) means and the end (1) meditation (1) meditations (1) meditations on art and music (1) meditations on the road (1) meet your neighbors (1) meeting of the meta (1) memo pause in rhymes and cause n effect of self to self combat in peace please praise (1) memories (1) meow (1) MET gala (1) meta-squared (2) metaphor (1) metaphor and meaning (1) micheal kiwanuka (1) Middle path (1) mind control (1) mind game (1) mind puzzle (1) mind-fuck of a book (1) mini MBBC (1) mirabai (1) misc (1) missing you (1) mission statement (1) MNDR - I go away (1) moderation (1) mogayoga (3) moment (1) moon (2) moon juice (1) morality (1) more stuff (1) morning (1) mornings (1) morrison hotel gallery (1) motivation (1) movements (1) moving by the wave of feeling (1) Mr. Brainwash (1) Mumford and Sons (1) music (3) music underlying (1) Musical (21) must watch (1) my thoughts on life (1) mystical weekend (1) myth and dream (1) nails it. sexy font (1) nan je ne regrette rien (1) nature (1) neon city (1) never not moving (1) never not searching (1) never not there (1) new limit of expansion (1) new old frontiers of being (1) new personas (1) new slaves (1) new vrindaban (1) new work (1) nfmm II (1) nina simone (1) Nina Simone Sountracked and Remixed for a flâneur (1) no extra charge (1) no halfsies (1) no man is an island (1) Nobody Told Me (1) nondualism (1) nostalgia (1) nourishment to the nth power (1) Now is All (1) Now that's writing (1) now what (1) occupy (1) ocurring always (1) ode to the you force (1) offering (1) Oh the joy of nothing (1) oino (1) Old Crow Medicine Show (1) Olde Time (1) oldie but goodie values (1) omraam mikhael aivanhov (1) On a Monday no less (1) On Becoming an Alchemist (1) on belief and love (1) on god and love (1) once it starts rolling out there's no holding down holdin it down (1) one (1) one character with a capital C (1) one way ticket home (1) oneliner story telling that i he ar (1) only four more lessons (1) only love is real (2) oooweee (1) Open systems (1) Or is it love? (1) or maybe don't-keep it on the hush yo (1) orchid of Calypso (1) original (2) original poetry (89) ou est tu mon amour? (1) ouroboros (1) over-flow (1) overemphasized glory (1) own barfield (1) pace gallery (1) paddling up stream with an o.a.r. - i feel home (1) par acmoi (1) paradisio (1) Party on a train (1) patience (2) pattern dissolving gradually into randomness (1) Paulo Coelho (1) people (1) pepsi (1) perfect sin (1) perfect tones and shades (1) perfection of imperfection (1) performance art (2) performance arts (1) pharell williams (1) Philosophy (1) photography (5) Picasso (1) picasso baby (1) plants (1) poem (1) poetry (18) poetry season (1) poetry vid (2) poincare (1) politics (1) POMPLAMOOSE [exclamation point] (1) prabhupada (1) preach sister (1) preach. poetry (1) presence and process (2) progress (1) progress through the timeless (1) progressive jazz (1) projects (1) prose (2) protective psychological constructs (1) psychic detox (1) Psychology (2) pulp fiction (1) pulse (1) pulse of life invisible; passing through three moves two (1) pure music (1) purpose of life (1) Pythagoras (1) q n a with yudhishthira and the yaksha (1) quantitative value (1) quantum leaps (1) quantum physics (2) question monster (1) questions (1) quotes (1) Rachel Crow (1) Radiohead (1) Rainer Marie Rilke (1) Ralph Waldo Emerson (1) random (1) random researching (1) re:hash (1) read (1) read up on Freud keeps it real (1) reading (1) real love (1) real messages (1) reality (1) realness (1) recycle (1) recycled and renewed (1) red (1) red empire (1) red hot chili peppers (1) reduce (1) reflect (2) reflections (1) refresh (1) relationships (3) relics (1) remember (2) remember your heart's desire (1) remnants (1) renaissance hu-man (1) repetition (1) reset (1) resistance (1) reuse (1) review (1) revolutionary quote (1) revolve (1) ride the wave (1) right understanding (1) Ripperton - The Sandbox (1) rise (1) rite of passage (1) ritual and reason (1) rive gauche (1) roadtrippinspiratiojournal (1) Robert Frost (2) robert leslie (1) rock on (1) Roisin Murphy (1) ryan lewis (1) sabotage (1) sacred hour (1) sad (1) sadhguru (1) sage smoke cleared the atmosphere (1) Said she had dreams a sniper hit me with a fatal shot (1) salinger (1) sancerre on a thursday night: great purity and elegance (1) saul williams (1) scaring life into people (1) scattered matter (1) school house rocks (1) science (1) sculpting in time (1) sea change (1) Season 5 (1) secrets (1) see (1) see the unseen (1) seeds nuggets (1) seeking (1) Selah Sue - Raggamuffin (1) self control (2) self-realization (1) self-reference (1) self-respect (1) sense of distance (1) september (1) serve love and trust all will be provided (1) service (3) Seven of (1) sexy chocolate (1) Shakespeare (1) shakespearean (1) shallow depths (1) shane salerno (1) sharpen your intellect (1) show yourself (1) sincerity (1) singer (1) Sir Philip Sidney (1) sixto rodriguez (1) smack it like a bitch cook it like a lovah (1) smoke and mirrors (1) so laced (1) so long (1) solo trippin (1) some writing i just did (1) something fundamentally wrong here (1) somewhere I can feel free (1) song of the year? (1) songwriter (1) soul (2) soul advice (1) soul food (1) soul need (1) soul speak (1) soul stuff (1) souls a'fire (1) sound meditation (1) speak your truth (1) Special kid (1) spiders (1) spirit (1) spiritual aid (1) spiritual initiation (1) spiritual materialism (1) spiritual warrior (1) spirituality (1) spoken word (4) spring is coming (1) squares been around me lately (1) squares of paper (1) standing rock (1) staying true (1) steve winwood (1) stillness (1) stimulus (1) story of my life (1) stranger than fiction (1) stream of consciousness (1) strength (1) strong (1) strong sound (1) stunning (1) subversive? *does not register (1) successful human life (1) Superconductivity (1) supersoul collective (1) supramodern (1) sus10ance (1) Susheela Raman (2) sustain (1) sweet hedonism (1) sweet souls (1) symbolism (1) systems of systems of...(Ad infinitum) (1) take care (1) take yourself down a peg to get a leg up (1) talk show (1) taoism (1) tapas (1) Tarkovsky (1) tattoos (1) tears (1) telegraphic (1) tension (1) tetractys (1) texture (1) thank you (2) thank you to Robert Wilkinson (1) That was fun. And you are clever. The clicking could potentially be endless...RANDOM (1) The Art Age (1) The Big Easy Express (1) the catcher in the rye (1) the constant symbol (1) the crazy life of ACM (1) the drew blood (1) the end is near (1) the essential breath (1) the gift (1) the guggenheim grotto: her beautiful ideas. (1) The Last Call (1) the letter P (1) The Middle BEast (1) the new old river (1) the power of water (1) The Primary Process (1) the red tent (1) the road less traveled (1) the self in a sea of selves (1) The Sirens of titan (1) the source (1) the still place (1) the supreme personality of godhead (1) the symbol of the musical (1) the temple of my mind (my heart) (1) the top of my eye (1) the top of my light (1) the top of the top (1) the wheels on the bus go round and round (1) the worlds of world (1) theory (1) thetopofmymind (3) thetopofyourmind (1) things aren't always what they seem - mostly how she allows them to seem. Gustav Klimt-Danaë (1) thinking outside of the box with goats (1) thought v reflection (1) thoughts (2) Three green and speckled frogs sitting upon a log eating some most delicious bugs (1) threebyfive (1) thrift shop (1) tick tock (1) time (1) time and space (1) time as. The Enigma of Cleobulina (1) time changing purity (1) titiksha (1) to give what you need is to recieve graciously (1) to live in truth is to unfold the lie (1) to tears (1) tobias batz (1) tolerance (1) tongue treats (1) top of my mind (1) Trains (1) transcend (1) transcendental love (1) Transcendentalism (1) transdisciplinarity (1) Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi (1) translation and commentary by Ralph Alan Dale (1) transmigration (1) trap doors (1) travel (4) troubador (1) true (1) true love (1) true semiotics (1) True Story (1) trust (1) truth (8) truth bites (1) truth rising (1) truth saves (1) truth: I got high and nobody died (1) tunnel (1) turkey (1) turn it around (1) twofer (1) typewriter troubles (1) ultimate pre-game warm up song (1) uncovered (1) understanding (1) unreal (1) unreal how good this is (1) unshakable (1) up the ante on your experience then talk (1) upward spirals (1) Varieté (1) vedanta (1) vegetarian food (1) Verfremdungseffekt. currently reading: God's Equation (1) video premiere (1) vincit qui se vincit (1) violence (1) virtues (1) vision (1) vita ante acta (1) Vivere est vincere. twitching bicep (1) vivienne tam (1) vox nihili (1) voyeur (1) vulnerability (1) vulnerable (1) wait for it... (1) waiting for music (1) waiting in vain (1) wake up (3) Walt Whitman (2) watch out for her (1) water (1) waves of words (1) weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (1) what is love? value systems (1) What Would Frago Say (1) when? (1) where will i be (1) white socks (1) who rules the world girls (1) who the F shouts out Vlasic pickles???? (1) whoa. (1) windex with: attention assuming integrated originality Love in motion spontenaity. (1) winter (1) wisdom (1) wise word warriors (1) without it life is wasted time (1) wizard of oz (1) woman (1) words (1) Words and reality (1) words of wisdom (1) world (1) wrenches among blind routines (1) write or die (1) writing (2) writing exercises (1) X Factor (1) Xianxingzhe (1) yaaaay (1) yah got to keep on walking--on the road to zion (1) yaksha-prasna (1) yes fewer is more appropriate in some cases but what did i say about perfection? (1) yoga (17) yoga at the loft (1) yoga poetry (1) yoga retreat (1) yoga teachers (1) you 'sleep. ima drop it on you. from thetopofmymind (1) you are powerful (1) you are taken care of (1) you as vessel (1) YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT DON'T YOU (1) you rule (1) you should know (1) yummy (1) zany (1)
