to you, the pressure mounts in that curled up place . i already know . that some-thing exists but as the time ticks and i start to maybe think, not sure i believe that you're really crazy for wanting, somehow almost needing, to lose yourself in me or someone else, or something like smoke, thought, depth, darkness of eyes that, for once, are not hers, owned by the mind behind their gaze outward need to bring it to where God knows . that it keeps winding back to .this. and . thanks . for the outlet do we create it to be able to create something else from its . destruction through fulfillment, influenced by us to begin with . it and change the mold, effect as by the grindstone running around the edge of a clock circling in to . stir it up . include outside elements of mixed messages, fleshes, breaths and emphasis. the weather the mail the wash the next best thing to today tomorrow to dos the glorious sensation of . other . , the others got-to stay moving among, and through it forget the loneliness until its time to want to be muffled, shhh want to hear my voice speaking back to she . baffled by the relationship with self. sometimes projected onto others. what's so wrong with working from inside a cocoon wrapped to bring some warm sense of there's a way out of this if i wanted it, CHOOSE . up l i f t ed by the simple word. float butterfly float . move . thoughts into action. action bringing feelings to supplant and eventually inch them forward, no matter if heavy feels like holding you back controlling her back to prove how not-always-too-good is the tension of one holding their life back through trying demanding a coercion and command could not should not forget that previous feeling of let it slide so i may again remember that she once thought it necessary to make something from 'i have to' without having to -- touch speak see smile engage, set something beyond me in this world into motion. because it is so clear when one really realizes the progressive way is retrograde . and nothing is what it seems, not especially the labels of pointed structure glitches in our matrices of matriculation, being place-d . it . is only what . it . is . not . when it finally actualizes being what it can . on the loop around meetings, crossings . closing a new opening on third time's the charm
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