Amazon just did me a solid and dropped off the tasty little story (non-fictional, auto-biography) of Alejandro Jodorowsky, The Spiritual Journey of, to be exact.
Saving it for a two-hour train ride but cracked it open to a random page (88):
"Ejo paused, sighed deeply, and murmured: "Permanent impermanence." Drying the tears on his cheeks with the ample sleeves of his robe, he lit a candle. Then, after a loud burst of laughter, he recited:
Mizu e kite,
Hikuu naritaru
Hotaru kana! **
In a raucous voice, he recited it again, this time separating and counting the syllables of each verse:
Mi-zu e ki-te ... five
Hi-ku-u na-ri-ta-ru ... seven
Ho-ta-ru ka-na ... five
He smiled with satisfaction. "Five, seven, five: a haiku. The first five, like the fingers of a hand, signify ordinary human reality. The seven, like the seven chakras, signify awakened mind, cosmic unity. The third five return to ordinary reality, but this time with something new, the light of consciousness."
Arriving at the water
the firefly dips in a gesture
of reverence!
"For an instant my personal limits faded, my body merged with the cosmos, the roots of my thoughts were the stars, and Ejo's past was my own. I ventured to comment upon the haiku.
'The water is that of an ancient pond, calm and undisturbed--no birth or death, always there, like eternity. Halting its labyrinthine flight--in other words, freeing ourselves from identification with our thoughts--the firefly, like the awakened human being, arrives at the border where concepts dissolve in the infinite void before it drinks and communes with the world, accepting the unending change of everything that was thought to be fixed and permanent, making a gesture of reverence in gratitude for its ephemeral life.'
As Ejo listened to my interpretation, an invisible bridge joined his mind to mine."
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