The pause. So often it's in the pause between things where the 'answers' will emerge.
We give advice, we get advice, but always seemingly after the fact or at a time when that advice isn't needed, per say; when objectivity is a facile gift grace à a detached stance.
Reading an article (this might be a bit much for some people, try to reserve your judgment) which dispensed with pretty rational, if not other-worldly perspectives and guidance is, for one point, inspirational. Great. I've got inspirational sources I can seemingly always count on and I count my blessings (an interesting idiom now that I stop to really consider it) for that bed of richness.
But while I'm reading, internally nodding and mmhmm-ing, I've come to question (in general, and myself) application, and considering what of in-the-moment fidelity to the nutritious material I am reading, as situated in a situation not exactly asking, needing. To be more clear: when we're in the 'heat of the moment', or going through actual, materialized life-situations, wouldn't it be nice if a little birdy were to pop up and dispense of that wisdom taken in as on-the-shelf?
Inspiration in action. Applied recollection. That's the tricky part. Bridging the gap between these two worlds.
Real-time. Reeling it in.
PS interestingly, my Getty Image search result for 'bridge' rendered a considerable amount of guitar, violin images. Music.
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