I wrote this a while back on a sort-of off day and it really lifted me. Nothing quite like a pep talk with yourself when you've been too hard on yourself.
Remember it, the positivity and power you possess, on a day where maybe a friend or family member says some not-so-friendly things. Or someone you really like doesn't feel the same. Or you're just not going your own way... And remember, it's all part of the play.....
Work from abundance
When in doubt, act with confidence to tackle a task you have been putting off
Stop ruminating and start connecting the dots
Let it happen
Share your beauty
Believe in others' beauty, positivity and grace
Connect to the world around you moving on the street
Move around blockages towards what flows and makes you happy
Know that in time, you can reach a dream if you keep working, keep following positive connections, keep your sights set high. Don't settle! See stepping stones for what they are and don't stay stagnant for more than it takes to catch an energizing breath.
Keep your ambitions high but parse your goals in short-term doables
Visualize your ideal outcome and leave space for surprises. Invite them with your intention to help you with a bounty you could not have alone, then redistribute. Don't hold on to resources, share share share
Feel out when doing nothing is doing a lot!
Each stage, of the day, week, year and your life has value and importance. Address the relevance of your place along the timeline of your life and know the past is not a reliable comparative. Infact, nothing is. There is no comparing in your unfolding, there is only observing and reaping lessons.
Relish the changing face of your 20s what's to come in your 30s 40s 50s and beyond. Enjoy your age for what it is, don't rush to grow. You are changeless and yet continually evolving. Laugh with paradox, wink at the mirror, keep in touch.
When you're indecisive, plunge and commit. Own it. Stop thinking and feel your answer.
The harder it gets the harder you must be making it on yourself
Double up your will and throw your positivity bows with a glint of power
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