One of my favorite little-known blogs for getting highly salacious knowledge/information and the in on issues mass media, your silly friends, and the general populace doesn't even know about or, if they do, wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole for fear of being ostracized or 'unrelatable'. Frankly, I find that the status quo is, at its core, usually far more more disenfranchising and alienating than the truth. It's just too bad the majority are on the wrong boat with little idea of what else is out there, with lesser taste for the truth and not much interest (or support or patience) in applying that truth. Though Matt Taibbi is off to start his own independent publication so maybe there is still hope.
But I digress...
The Shift Has Hit The Fan connects the dots in crucial ways for eye-opening revelations. She checks the barometer for integrity-based evolution, a theme underpinning all her pieces, across various happenings around the world. They usually come up short but there's always something there (in her blogs) to remind us of the other side, the higher road.
The latest piece, 'In Praise of Common Decency' (which I HIGHLY recommend you read and click through the links she shares. Like, HIGHLY.) starts with this gem of a quote I felt compelled to share, the sentiments of which run right up along a little piece I composed, 'Swapping Centers'. A service mood is really the mood of the future (eternity). And not some fake service, funnel your biz expenses through your 501(c)(3) shiz neither.....
“It is natural to appreciate men and women for the gifts they possess. Whether they are writers, artists, scientists or even athletes, one cannot but marvel at their talents and sometimes even their genius. But is this any reason to neglect their moral qualities? Are they good, fair, honest, and generous? Often this consideration is secondary, and it is only talent that people notice. It is talent that everyone tries to cultivate, since; it is for this that people are so highly esteemed. This is why the earth is now populated with capable, talented people. It is incredible, there are swarms of them, but why are all these abilities, all these talents, all these geniuses unable to save the world? On the contrary, it could even be said that they are contributing to its destruction! We often hear people say: ‘Ah! He is so gifted; he has so many abilities that he can be forgiven everything!’ Well, this is very bad reasoning. Someone who is particularly favoured by nature must, on the contrary, make great efforts to uphold, to crown his gifts and talents with moral qualities. Otherwise, instead of becoming what he should be, a benefactor of humanity, he behaves like a thief! Many people tend to believe that the fame and fortune they have achieved are a justification for their way of doing things. Since up until now they have been successful, it must mean that they were in the right, and they can continue to impose their own views and their own decisions on everyone else. What an illusion! Material success is no proof of their good judgement. On the contrary, wisdom should make them more prudent – and also those who admire them, those who stand by and exclaim: ‘It is extraordinary! What activity; what energy!’ They say that such people are afraid of nothing. But to be afraid of nothing does not demonstrate the virtue we call faith, but rather that which we know as presumption. And not only do the presumptuous eventually take a fall, but – as history has shown us time and again – they drag others down with them!”
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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